3 Things to Remember with Sitecore Multi-Site Configuration

Multi-sites in Sitecore are a useful way to host multiple sites on the same Sitecore instance. However, there are more steps than just adding your site into the <sites> section in the web.config. Below are 3 things that you should always remember to set in your configuration in a multi-site (or using a site name other than the default “website”) configuration - be sure to use include config files to do so!

  1. Make sure your site is listed under the ClearCache handler under the publish:end and publish:end :remote events. When you find yourself in a situation where you can’t figure out why your cached renderings aren’t updating with new content, this is likely why. This is especially important in a multi-server environment as the publish:end :remote will ensure that the HTML cache is cleared on publish on all of the content delivery servers. This config change needs to happen on all Sitecore servers.
  2. Add additional sections to the <cacheSizes> section for site-specific cache designations. By default, Sitecore includes cache sizing for the “website” site, however, if you have a site that’s not named “website”, you’ll want to add an additional section with the site name and the caching values for that site.
  3. Update the Preview.DefaultSite setting value to be the new site name. This setting lets Sitecore know which site to serve up when using the Experience Editor/Preview/Debug. If this is not set correctly, content authors will have a tough time when loading up Experience Editor to make content changes.